Our After School service runs Monday to Thursday from 2.40 pm until 3.40. The girls get a snack when school ends and then they are supervised and helped to complete their homework. It is important to note that we strive to ensure all of the written homework is completed to the best of their ability in this time , However parents/ guardians must ensure that all learning work – which is of equal importance is completed at home. This involves asking their spellings in English and Irish and listening to your daughter read aloud every night. Please also ensure the homework diary ( Dialann Scoile )is signed nightly and if there is a problem completing the homework- a note to indicate this is required. The Dialann Scoile is a very important link between ourselves and you. Our aim in setting homework is that you the Parents and Guardians get an idea of what is being done at school and that you can assist and encourage revision of these activities at home in addition to listening to your daughter read both English and Irish aloud.As a general guideline we aim to set a homework time of approximately 5 minutes per age of child. So if your daughter is in second class and is 7 or 8 years old – then approximately 35 – 40 minutes homework will suffice. It may be the case that your daughter takes longer to complete the set homework and there are many reasons for this. If you are confident that your daughter has given her best , uninterrupted effort to her homework and has not got it totally completed in this time, please write a note in the ‘dialann’ diary and do not hesitate to discuss the matter with the class teacher.